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Alicia M. Hoffman








"You Are as Necessary as Times New Roman," Pine Hills Review, Forthcoming 

"Begin with Rejoicing," Bare Hill Review, Forthcoming

"Creation Myth," Poetry Online, Forthcoming

"Taxidermy," Bare Hill Review, Winter 2025


​​                                                                                                      2024


"Hibernation Sonnet," and "Sanctuary," San Antonio Review, Winter 2024

"Hearts & Bones," Poets Reading the News, Fall 2024

"Longevity Study," Elysium Review, Fall 2024

Marvel," One Art, Summer 2024

"Thirst," Le Mot Juste: The Body (Just Poets Anthology), Spring 2024





"Notes for a New Poem," Thrush Poetry Journal, Fall 2023

"Once More, with Feeling," Trampset Magazine, Fall 2023 

"Prophet," "Content," "Rain Psalm," "This Account is Frozen," and "In Defense of Rain," Eunoia Review, Winter 2023 

"Double Consciousness," Ghost City Press, Winter 2023

"Ophelia Drapes Her Body on the Willow Tree," A-Minor Magazine, Winter 2023




"Convergence," Nine Cloud Journal, Winter 2022

"Miraculous," Amethyst Review, Winter 2022

"Clickbait," Atticus Review, Summer 2022 

"Liner Notes," Rise Up Review, Summer 2022 

"Grace Note," Rock Paper Poem, Spring 2022

"Plague Years," Marrow Magazine, Winter 2022 




"Interstellar Ars Poetica," SWWIM, Fall 2021 

"Object Permanence," The Night Heron Barks, Fall 2021

"Waves & Rays & Particles," Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Summer 2021

"Legato for Spring," South Florida Poetry Journal, Summer 2021

"The Beauty of Evacuated Form," Thimble Literary Magazine, Summer 2021

"You Are Browsing as a Guest," The Lumiere Review, Spring 2021

"Miracles & Wonder," West Trestle Review, Winter 2021

"No Proper Animal," and "I Don't Want to Grow Old and Die," January Review, Winter 2021




"Synonyms for Emptiness," and "The Pulse," FEED Literary Magazine, Winter 2020 

"Epiphany & Doubt," and "A Multivalent Anti-Serum," The West Review, Fall 2020 

"All Systems Go," Journal Nine, Summer 2020

"Our Difficult Sunset," "Miracle Carp Says End Is Near," "The Song and the Document," and "Deliver Me," One Art: A Poetry Journal, Summer 2020 

"Industry Is All Around Us," Escape into Life, Spring 2020

"Sempre Forte," The Shore Poetry Journal, Spring 2020

"Self-Portrait as Alexa w| Predictive Text," and "Self-Portrait as Alexa, as Fugue State," E-Ratio Poetry Journal, Winter 2020

"The Deep and Secret Yes," and "Poem Ending With a Line from Emily Dickinson," Sheila-Na Gig, Winter 2020




"Self-Portrait as Alexa, as Negative Capability," "Confiteor," "Wireless," and "Self-Portrait as Alexa w| Lower-Case Apocalypse," Escape Into Life (Winter 2019)

"Radio Silence," "Corpora," "Coda," "The House of Teeth and Meat," and "A Pattern Manifestation, A Search Engine," Live Encounters (Winter 2019)

"Alexa, Contemplate the Resurrection," and "Supervalent Thought," A-Minor Magazine (August 2019)

"The Work of Bodies," Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Poet's Resist Series, August 2019

"Matins," and "Postcard from Planet Earth," Lockjaw Magazine,  Summer 2019

"Algorithms," Typishly, Summer 2019

"That Forever," "To Save My Life," "Double Sonnet w| Late Stage Capitalism," "Episteme|Doxa|Gnosis," and "Alexa Plays Miles Davis," Live Encounters (Summer 2019)

"Self-Portrait as Alexa, as Curator of the Beautiful Ruins," "Self-Portrait as Alexa near an Open Window in Spring," "January," "Superwonder," and "Canticle," Community College Humanities Review (Spring 2019)

"Self-Portrait as Alexa at Dawn," Up The Staircase Quarterly (Spring 2019)

"Fallibility," and "Self-Portrait as Alexa, as Guide to the Interior," Riggwelter (Spring 2019)

"Lucy," Muddy River Poetry Review (Spring 2019)

"Pill Bugs," Front Porch Review (Winter 2019) 




"Idioglossia," A-Minor Magazine (Spring 2018)

"Desiderata," Eunoia Review (Spring 2018)

"To Those Who May Be Listening," CDC Poetry Project (Spring 2018)

"Linguistics," Riddled with Arrows (Spring 2018)

"Dissimulation with Birds," Liminality (Spring 2018)

"History Suggests This Is Only the Beginning," and "Renoir," The Mantle (Winter 2018)

"Good Grief," and "What We Cannot Form," Sweet Tree Review (Winter 2018)

"Push," Parentheses Journal (Winter 2018)




"Repair Manual," Clementine, Unbound (Fall 2017)

"Postcard, Wyoming" and "Praise the Land of Amnesty," Calamus Journal (Fall 2017)

"Sturgeon Moon," The Penn Review (Summer 2017)

"Well Sweep," Hamilton Stone Review (Spring 2017)

"This Haunting We Know" and "Elegy," Dying Dahlia Review ( January 2017)




"Every Day I Discover Something," Amaryllis (Winter 2016)

"Lodestar," Random Sample Review (Fall 2016)

"Future Perfect" and "Nature, Versus," Dirty Chai (Summer 2016)

"Gerloff Road" and "Truckstop Interlude," IthacaLit (Summer 2016)

"Incantation," The Inflectionist Review (Spring 2016)

"Gold Star" and "Our Father," Watershed Review (Spring 2016)

“Anti—” and “Tree’s Epitaph,” SOFTBLOW (March 2016)

"Elizabeth Bishop on Facebook" Yellow Chair Review (January 2016)

“Environmental Science,” Right Hand Pointing December 2015)

“How To Open,” Radar Poetry (Fall 2015)

“Since As I Lay Dying,” Amethyst Arsenic (Fall 2015)

“Rook,” A-Minor Magazine (Summer 2015)

“Matryoshka,” One Throne Magazine (Summer 2015)

“Damage,” and “A Quick Departure of Grief,” Word Riot (Summer 2015)

“Collapsible Animal,” Modern Poetry Quarterly, (Summer 2015)

“Here Will Burn For Us,” Rust + Moth, (Spring 2015)

“Everything Solid Is Moving: A Review of James Gabrill’s Sea-Level Nerve,” Redactions: Poetry

and Poetics, (Spring 2015)

“Le Petite Mort,” Redactions: Poetry and Poetics, (Spring 2015)

“Says the Angel to the Body,” Poetry Pacific (Spring 2015)

“The Fall,” Turtle Island Quarterly (Spring 2015)

“Fugue,” Scissors and Spackle (February 2015)

“What To Do Upon Arrival,” Scissors and Spackle (February 2015)

“Fair Game,” The Lake (January 2015)

“After Robert Hass,” Hermeneutic Chaos Literary Journal (September 2014)

“Let There Be Light,” Hermeneutic Chaos Literary Journal (September 2014)

“This Is Just To Say,” Hermeneutic Chaos Literary Journal (September 2014)

“Lost,” The Subterranean Quarterly (Fall 2014)

“Father,” Words Dance (July 2014)

“Mother,” Words Dance (July 2014)

“Study in Blue,” Vayavya (Summer 2014)

“How To Put A Chicken To Sleep,” Decades Review (July 2014)

“Monosonnet for the Susquehanna,” Red Paint Hill Quarterly (Spring 2014)

“Postcard,” Right Hand Pointing (Issue 71, Spring 2014)

“Acrostic,” Right Hand Pointing (Issue 71, Spring 2014)

“Beast of Burden,” Orange Room Review (Winter 2013)

“Sparrow,” Innisfree Poetry Journal (Fall 2013)

“The Chupacabra,” Elsewhere Literary Magazine: A Journal About Place (September 2013)

“August,” Eunoia Review (February 2013)

“June Hymn,” Eunoia Review (February 2013)

“Tacoma,” Eunoia Review (February 2013)

“Still Life,” Brusque Magazine (November 2012)

“Memory of Crows,” Brusque Magazine (November 2012)

“The Land Line,” Tar River Poetry (Fall 2012)

“Cape, May,” A-Minor Magazine (April 2012)

“This Marriage,” A-Minor Magazine (April 2012)

“In Late March,” Bolts of Silk Magazine (March 2012)

“Haircut,” Camroc Press Review (June 2012)

“A Universal Language,” Scissors and Spackle (February 2012)

“Setting,” Right Hand Pointing (Issue 54 2012)

“Gypsy,” SOFTBLOW (November 2011)

“The Quiet Man,” SOFTBLOW (November 2011)

“Crosswords,” SOFTBLOW (November 2011)

“Wake,” SOFTBLOW (November 2011)

“Regret,” Quantum Poetry Journal (September 2011)

“Extant,” Short, Fast and Deadly (September 2011)

“Nudes,” Front Porch Review (July 2011)

“After John Ashbery,” Rufuous City Review (July 2011)

“B-Side,” Bond Street Review (Summer 2011)

“Back,” Bond Street Review (Summer 2011)

“Pep Talk,” Eunoia Review (October 2011)

“My Father’s Skin,” Poets/Artists (February 2011)

“Lesson,” Poets/Artists (February 2011)

“Noise,” Pirene’s Fountain (October 2010)

“Artifice,” Pirene’s Fountain (October 2010)

“Willow,” Gloom Cupboard (July 2010)

“Blue Madre,” Breadcrumb Scabs (April 2010)

“Allelopathy,” Mississippi Crow Magazine (Fall 2009)

“Voyeur,” DOGZPLOT (Fall 2009)

“Art,” Umbrella Magazine (Fall 2009)

“In February,” Willows Wept Review (Winter 2009)

“Medicine Dream,” decomP (Winter 2009)

“Prayer,” Boston Literary Magazine (Summer 2009)

“Turn,” Pirene’s Fountain (October 2008)

“Ephemeral,” Concelabratory Shoehorn Review (April 2008)

“Majestic,” Up the Staircase Quarterly (Summer 2008)

“This Earth Is Not A Novel,” The Centrifugal Eye (February 2008)

“Open,” elimae (February 2008)

“Gifting,” Victorian Violet Press (February 2008)

“What To Do In This Humidity,” Stone Highway Review (Issue 2, 2007)

“Salax,” Red Wheelbarrow (Volume 8, 2007)

“Mud Soup,” Redactions: Poetry and Poetics (Issue 10, 2007)




“Provisions for Journey,” and “This Haunting We Know,” Bramble & Thorn. Porkbelly Press. (Winter 2017)

"My Demoiselle Crane" and "Cardinal": Birdsong: Poems In Celebration of Birds. Foothills Publishing. ( 2016)

“Bread and Circuses,” Liberty’s Vigil: The Occupy Anthology. Foothills Publishing.  (2012)

“Crandall Canyon,” City Smells: Collected Writing. EditRed Publishing, Denmark. (2008)




Animal (Futurecycle Press, May 2021). Full-Length Poetry Collection. 

Railroad Phoenix (Kelsay Books, Spring 2017). Full-Length Poetry Collection. 

Like Stardust in the Peat Moss (Aldrich Press, 2013). Full-Length Poetry Collection.


Losing Duende (Ink Publications, 2010). Broadside.

Good Fortune (Ink Publications, 2008). Broadside.




Le Mot Juste: The Body. (Just Poets Anthology, 2024). 

Le Mot Juste. (Just Poets Anthology. 2023)





Manuscript Finalist: the Louise Bogan Award/Trio House Press (2024) 


Manuscript Finalist: the Dryden-Vreeland Award/Gunpowder Press (2024) 


Pushcart Prize Nomination for the poem "Miracle Carp Says End Is Near," from One Art: A Poetry Journal (2020) 


Pushcart Prize Nomination for the poem "Industry Is All Around Us," from Escape Into Life (2020) 


Best of the Net Nomination for the poem "Self-Portrait as Alexa w| Lowercase Apocalypse" from Escape Into Life (2020) 


Pushcart Prize Nomination for the poem "History Suggests This Is Only the Beginning" from The Mantle (2018)


Orison Anthology Nomination for the poem "Incantation" from The Inflectionist Review (2016)


Pushcart Prize Nomination for the poem "Here Will Burn For Us" from Rust + Moth (2016)


Pushcart Prize Nomination for the poem “Cape, May” from A-Minor Magazine (2012)


Linda Bierds and Carol Houck Smith Merit Scholarship Recipient, Pacific Lutheran University (2012-2015)


Rochester Ink Semi-Finalist for the poem “Suite for Strings” (2006)


Selected for Writers and Books Poetry Booth audio recording of the poem “Prayer” (2006)





Pacific Lutheran University, Rainier Writing Workshop; Tacoma, Washington; August 2015;

Master of Fine Arts in Writing; Concentration: Poetry; Creative Writing Pedagogy  

Creative Thesis: Railroad Phoenix, a book length manuscript of poems

Critical Thesis: Zero Velocity: The Poetics of Larry Levis


SUNY Brockport, Brockport, New York; May 2006

Masters of Arts in English Literature; Concentration: Secondary Education.

Thesis: How Can Food: Poems


Saint John Fisher College, Rochester, New York; May 2000

            Bachelor of Arts in English Literature; Concentration: Philosophy.


University of North London, London, England; 1998-99

            Concentration: Philosophy.













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